White Hills

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Dave W.
Ego Sensation

When you enter White Hills’ lair in Brooklyn, the duo’s insatiable desire for music and art is immediately palpable. Crates of vinyl from floor to ceiling line the long hallway. Guitars appear at every angle, one lying across a sofa in obvious mid-play with others in cases tucked beside amplifiers into every conceivable corner. Synthesizers and cables cover the purple satin bed while gouache paintings in various stages of progress strewn the floor. Album covers, movie posters, books, paintings, prints and souvenirs of subversive culture occupy the remaining wall space. A sanctuary of adoration, creation and imagination, it’s also the nerve center of their record label Heads on Fire Industries and the site where the final mixes of their latest album Beyond This Fiction took shape.

For nearly two decades, White Hills have been blowing minds with their sonic alchemy: a unique mix of neo-psychedelia, art rock, and post-punk- at once original and recognizable. Their cult reputation emblazoned in celluloid following their performance in Jim Jarmusch’s sultry vampire romance Only Lovers Left Alive, the duo has toured vigorously since their inception. With a vast catalogue that astounds and a relentless punk ethos, time seems to energize the duo, making them increasingly daring and prolific.

“Music creates a bliss beyond sex and drugs,” professes one-woman rhythm section Ego Sensation. “We’ll never stop making music. It’s the highest high to be had in life.” Founding member Dave W, whose signature other-worldly guitar sorcery defines the White Hills sound, grabs his Les Paul to record a melody lingering in his head from last night’s dream before it escapes.

Outside, the sound of passing sirens, honking horns and bits of conversation remind you that you’re in the middle of New York, a city so flush with rock legacy and artistic innovation it would take lifetimes to drink it all in. A voice from outside shouts, “This shit is going for 3! These people got to be out of their fucking minds!” Dave shakes his head and laughs, “There’s no place I’d rather be.”

Committed to a vocation marked by extremes, doubt, struggle and moments of ecstasy, Dave and Ego continue this torrid affair with music bearing their latest fruit Beyond This Fiction.  Inspired by the ideas of Joseph Campbell, the writer/philosopher known for the book The Power of Myth, the album explores the idea of “riding between opposites”- forging one’s own path unrestrained by the dualistic constraints of society. It’s a cry to all the seers among us- call us outsiders or rebels- who feel smothered by convention and see nonconformity as the gateway into divine mystery.

Recorded with Martin Bisi, known for his iconic NYC sound developed through his work with no-wave titans Sonic Youth, Swans and Lydia Lunch, Beyond This Fiction sees Dave W (guitar/vocals/synths) and Ego Sensation (drums/bass/vocals) orchestrating their distinct guitar heavy meditations into songs with a stronger focus on vocals than previous albums. Opener “Throw It Up In The Air” and closer “Beyond This Fiction” both have a lush quality that flirts with shoegaze. “Killing Crimson”, a song that takes inspiration from Killing Joke and King Crimson, has a driving beat and a catchy hook that begs for a sing-a-long. “The Awakening” plunges into the meditative ambient abyss the band is well known for, featuring the unique voice of frequent collaborator poet Dan McGuire to deliver the meaning behind Beyond This Fiction. The album harnesses the seductive accessibility of 2015’s Walks For Motorists while evoking the tempestuous soul of the band’s seminal 2011 H-p1. Notorious shapeshifters, White Hills make Beyond This Fiction a familiar surprise.

Back in the lair, Dave draws eyes on his hands in preparation for the day’s video shoot. Ego reaches into the closet pulling out the red velvet jacket she wears on the cover of Beyond This Fiction where she stands in a NYC alley holding a glowing orb. “That’s the portal- the gateway into the mystery. The music will take you there.”


White Hills Beyond This Fiction

Throw It Up In The Air
Clear As Day
Killing Crimson
The Awakening
Beyond This Fiction

White Hills The Revenge of Heads on Fire

The Instrumental Head
Inoke Tupo
Oceans Of Sound
Speed Toilet
Is This The Road?
Don't Be Afraid
Visions Of The Past, Present And Future
Silent Violence

White Hills Splintered Metal Sky

Midday Memory
Now Manhattan
Digital Trash
No Fear
Morning Memory

White Hills Putting On The Pressure b​/​w Pull Back The Bolt

Puttin' On The Pressure
Pull Back The Bolt

White Hills Stop Mute Defeat

A Trick of the Mind
Importance 101
Attack Mode
Sugar Hill
Stop Mute Defeat

White Hills Pulse b​/​w VI​-​x


White Hills No Game To Play

No Game To Play
Above All
They've Got Blood Like We've Got Blood
Coming For You

White Hills Walks For Motorists

No Will
£SD or USB
Lead the Way
I, Nomad
We Are What You Are
Automated City
Life Is Upon You
Walks For Motorists

White Hills Drives For Pedestrians

Origins IX
Blue Dot
Frying On This Rock
Manimal Tribe
If Memory Serves Me Well

White Hills ODDITY VI: Slogans

Rich Textural Union (Phase One: Scorched Moon)
Rich Textural Union (Phase Two: Midnight Blue)
Rich Textural Union (Phase Three: Spent FIre)
The Electrician
Flavor Grabber (Phase One: Ultra Gold)
Flavor Grabber (Phase Two: Ceylon Orange)
Flavor Grabber (Phase Three: Turn & Turn)

White Hills ODDITY V: Freaky Farm Funk

Ends 1
Ends 2
Ends 3
Ends 4
Ends 5
Ends 6
Ends 7
Ends 8
Ends 9

White Hills So You Are…So You’ll Be

In Your Room
The Internal Monologue
So You Are…So You'll Be
Forever in Space (Enlightened)
Rare Upon the Earth
Mist (Winter)

White Hills Timeless Tracks for Aural Pleasure

False Revolution Toward a Slick Mirror
Chariot Zombie
Under Water

White Hills ODDITY IV: Black Valleys II: Out Psychedelia

Out Psychedelia

White Hills ODDITY III: Basic Information

The Secret Society of Ants
As We Look Inside
Cast The Legion Lightly Upon It's Head
Soft Forlorn Grinding
Before Leaving Earth

White Hills Frying On This Rock

Pads of Light
Robot Stomp
You Dream You See
Song of Everything
I Write a Thousand Letters (Pulp on Bone)

White Hills H​-​p1

The Condition of Nothing
No Other Way
Upon Arrival
A Need to Know
Hand In Hand

White Hills Stolen Stars Left for No One

Drift Away
Nothing Less
Don't Touch Me I'm Bleeding

White Hills ODDITY II: Night Scene On Mill Mountain

Synth Experiment 1
Be Yourself
Synth Experiment 2
Heads On Fire
Synth Experiment 3
Untitled Jam
No Game To Play (Extended Version)

White Hills White Hills

Counting Sevens
Three Quarters
Let The Right One In
We Will Rise
Polvere Di Stelle

White Hills ODDITY: A Look At How The Collective Mind Works

Untitled #7
Untitled #2

White Hills Dead

Oceans Of Sound (Antrønhy ØH Remix)
Another Coming
Red Sun

White Hills A Litte Bliss Forever

Walking Up Hill Against The Wind
My Girl Soars Blind

White Hills Abstractions & Mutations

Midnight In America
Eye to Eye
Caustic Bliss
Untitled #2
Left Behind
A Thousand Points of Light

White Hills Heads on Fire

Oceans of Sound
Return of Speed Toilet
Visions of the Past, Present and Future
Don't Be Afraid

White Hills Glitter Glamour Atrocity

Air Waves
Under Skin or By Name
Spirit of Exile
Somewhere Along the Way
Long Serve Remember
Glitter Glamour Atrocity